Be the Light: Helping the Homeless in Miami-Dade County

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Hello friends, family, and visitors,

Miami might have earned the title of “The Rudest City in America,” but I believe it’s also a place where love, faith, and kindness can shine the brightest. Through small yet meaningful acts of kindness, I hope to spread a little light and inspire others to do the same.

For the past several months, my family and I have made it our mission to help the homeless in Miami-Dade County. Once a month, after attending church, we head downtown with bags of essentials, which we lovingly call Survival Bags. Each bag contains:

  • Socks
  • Water
  • Crackers
  • Non-perishable food
  • A ring pop (yes, even a small treat can bring big smiles!)
  • Toilet paper
  • A bar of soap
  • Toothpaste and a toothbrush
  • A scripture from the Bible
  • A little cash ($5)
  • Gum

Why Survival Bags?

When we give these bags out, the reaction is incredible. The smiles on their faces say it all. These bags aren’t just about providing material goods—they’re about restoring dignity. For someone living on the streets, clean socks, a bar of soap, or even a toothbrush can be a lifeline to feeling human again. It’s about more than survival—it’s about hope.

Too often, we give a few dollars, which can be a quick fix for hunger but is spent all too soon. These Survival Bags provide a way for the homeless to care for themselves beyond just one meal.

A homeless person after I gave him the Survival Bag – His expression was priceless

An Act of Faith

We fund this project through a portion of my pay and are now hosting a fundraiser to keep it going. Each bag costs about $7 to make. Every donation—big or small—helps create a little more light in someone’s life.

I don’t share this to boast but to inspire. We are here to help one another, to serve as hands and feet for those who may have stumbled. And I believe Jesus Christ is at the center of it all.

Two Bible verses that guide our mission:

  1. “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” — Proverbs 19:17
  2. “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” — Matthew 25:40

A Family Affair

This journey isn’t mine alone. My wife—my rock and partner in faith—helps keep me grounded and reminds me why we do what we do. There are moments when I feel like I’ve done enough for someone, and then she gently reminds me: “Maybe you keep seeing him because you’re the only one helping him.”

It shook me to my core. What if that’s the truth? What if God places these individuals in my path because no one else will stop? That’s when I remember: every person we meet is placed in our lives for a reason.

How You Can Help

I’m hosting a fundraiser to continue creating these Survival Bags. Your donation, no matter the size, goes directly to purchasing supplies.

You can find the link on the donation page on my website Please share this blog post and my website, let’s spread hope in America, we need change!

Do you have suggestions for items that might be helpful? Please let me know! I want these bags to meet as many needs as possible.

Let’s do this together. Let’s be the light in the dark.

Paying It Forward

I leave you with my favorite quote from Kirito in Sword Art Online:
“I’d rather trust and regret than doubt and regret.”

I encourage you to trust in this mission and pay it forward. You never know when you’ll be the one in need of a helping hand.

Thank you for reading, for supporting, and for being part of this journey. Together, we can make a difference, one smile and one Survival Bag at a time.

With love and faith,

One response to “Be the Light: Helping the Homeless in Miami-Dade County”

  1. Kathy Avatar

    Justin, I have so many words to describe what I just read. What an inspiration you and your family are! I am beyond proud of you!!!! I will absolutely contribute to most worthy cause.